Looking for a private adoption agency? Look no further.
Private adoption agencies are provincially-licensed organizations that provide a variety of pre- and post-adoption services to both prospective adoptive parents and/or birth parents in a private adoption. Depending on their range of services, they can facilitate adoptions within Canada (domestically) or outside of it (internationally).
Unlike public adoption agencies which offer services for minimum or no fees, most private adoption agencies have a specific fee schedule and are only available in some provinces.
To find out more about what private adoption agencies can offer you, feel free to contact them directly from the list below.
Adoption Options
#304, 10109-106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3L7
Telephone: 780‑433‑5656
Fax: 780‑447‑4763
Toll Free Number: 1‑800‑770‑3023
#207, 5940 MacLeod Trail S
Calgary, Alberta T2H 2G4
Telephone: 403‑270‑8228
Fax: 403‑270‑3929
Executive Director: Sheryl Proulx, BSW, RSW
Program Director – International Adoptions: Elizabeth Gifford, BSW, RSW
Amaris Adoption Services
101C 9705 Horton Rd S.W.
Calgary, AB, T2V 2X5
Small Miracles Adoption Agency
Tower 1, Suite 2020
10060 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, AB T5J 3R8
British Columbia
Sunrise Family Services Society
Suite 102
171 West Esplanade
North Vancouver, B.C., V7M 3J9
Attn: Natasha Chalke,
Executive Director
Ph: 604 984-2488
Fax: 604 984-2498
Toll Free: 1 888 984-2488
Email: Natasha@sunriseadoption.com
Adoption Centre of BC
620 Leon Ave
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 9T2
Attn: Janice Tuling, Administrator
Ph: 250 763-8002
Toll Free: 1 800 935-4237
Birthparent line: 250 718-2396
Fax: 250 763-6282
Email: adoptioninfo@kcr.ca
Adoption Options
1313 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3G OV3
Phone: (204) 774-0511
Fax: (204) 783-3481
UAS Eastern European Adoptions
777 Pritchard Avenue
Winnipeg MB R2X 0E8
Phone: (204) 947-2953
Fax: (204) 943-8603
Email: infouas@mts.net
New Brunswick
There are no private adoption agencies in New Brunswick. Contact the public adoption office for more details.
There are no private adoption agencies in Newfoundland. Contact the public adoption office for more information.
Nova Scotia
There are no private adoption agencies in Nova Scotia. Contact the public adoption office for more information.
There are no private adoption agencies in Nunavut. Contact the public adoption office for more information.
Beginnings Counselling and Adoption Services of Ontario
Medical Arts Building
#308 – 1 Young Street
Hamilton ON L8N 1T8
Tel: (905) 528-6665
Fax: (905) 528-6589
E-mail: info@beginnings.ca
Children’s Resource and Consultation Centre of Ontario
100 St. Clair Avenue West
Toronto ON M4V 1N3
Tel: (416) 923-7771
Fax: (416) 923-1260
E-mail: mjblug@total.net
JFJ Hope Centre Adoption Services
#5-6655 Kitimat Road
Mississauga ON L5N 6J4
Tel: (905) 821-7494
Fax: (905) 821- 6311
E-mail: adoption@jfjhopecentre.ca
Website: jfjhopecentre.ca
The Children’s Bridge
1400 Clyde Avenue
Suite 221
Nepean ON K2G 3J2
Tel: (613) 226-2112
Fax: (613) 226-8843
Email: info@childrensbridge.com
World View Adoption Association
130 Westmore Drive, Suite 5
Toronto ON M9V 5E2
Tel: (416) 743-9324
Fax: (416) 745-9778
Email: adoption@wcic.ca
Website: www.worldviewadoption.com
Prince Edward Island
There are no private adoption agencies in Prince Edward Island.
For more information please visit http://adoption.gouv.qc.ca/
There are no private adoption agencies in Saskatchewan. Contact the public adoption office for more information.
There are no private adoption agencies in Yukon. Contact the public adoption office for more information.